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Effective Chairing Skills Webinar

Want to make chairing meetings less stressful (and more productive)?


  • Handle difficult behaviours and conflict?

  • Get better engagement?

  • Get better meeting outcomes?

For over nine years, Prospect has worked with NHS chairs and vice chairs to develop the skills, knowledge and confidence to deliver great meetings. This training has helped chairs unlock the potential in their teams, leading to better engagement and higher productivity across our client organisations. 

Comprehensive, engaging and practical, these webinars will give you all the tools you need to get the best from your team.

Here’s what other chairs and vice chairs have said…

“A comprehensive overview of all aspects of chairing, useful tools to use, and great tips on overcoming challenges and difficult behaviours”.

“Fantastic webinars, I feel much more confident having a structure in mind. It helped me look at how I deal with conflict in meetings. It’s an excellent course and great participation from the group - I would highly recommend”.

“It’s difficult to take time out for training with the current pressures in the NHS, but I have gained so much knowledge and can get so much more from the meetings I chair. Excellent and very enjoyable sessions and plenty of food for thought. Thank you.”

“Excellent and inclusive course – the trainer got the tone spot on, content very useful, the practical application was excellent to observe- really enjoyable sessions”. 

In nine years of running this course:


100% rate the training as excellent and say the content is relevant and applicable to their role.

How long is the course?

2x three hour interactive webinars (a total of six hours learning). 


Is the course more relevant for chairing face-to-face meetings or virtual meetings?

We support those who chair both face-to-face and virtual meetings to become more effective and productive. 


Ahead of the webinars, we’ll ask you to complete a short questionnaire so that we can tailor the session to your needs and those of the wider group. This only takes around 10 minutes to complete. 


We’ll also ask you to spend some time thinking about your previous experiences of meetings: good and bad! What happened? Why was this? 


Our first webinar together


In the first session we’ll explore:

  • The role and responsibilities of the chair to ensure meetings are both productive and effective. 

  • Best practice in chairing meetings and how you can use these tips to improve how you are currently preparing, planning, and managing meetings.

  • Tools, techniques and interpersonal skills to increase participation, bring energy, support discussions and disarm disruptive participants. 

  • What can go wrong in your meetings and what action to take to ensure participants keep focused on the task and engaged.

Webinar number two

In the second and final session, we’ll cover:


  • How to challenge unhelpful behaviours and deal with these effectively.

  • The skills required to deal with dynamics in meetings. 

  • How to put it all into practice through our immersive mock meetings and look at a range of scenarios to help effectively manage any dynamics in meetings.

Our workshops recently featured in the Autumn 2023 edition of the NHS North West Leadership Academy magazine.


Follow the link to read about this and the wider programme being offered:


Please get in touch if you want to know more. Email or visit our website

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