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West Midland Cancer Alliance Leadership Development Webinars

Prospect is proud to have worked with 11 of the 21 Cancer Alliances to support clinicians to develop their leadership skills. We were commissioned for a second time to design and deliver a series of four leadership webinars for leaders of multi-disciplinary teams to support them developing their leadership.

The four webinars, held from April to July 2022, were delivered several times to over 60 leaders, taking on the following format:

  • Webinar 1: Developing System Thinking and System Leadership

  • Webinar 2: Leading High Performing MDT’s

  • Webinar 3: Self as Leader - Understanding Our Own and Others' Preferences Using Myers Briggs Type Indicator

  • Webinar 4: Leading Others and Resolving Conflict

The evaluation of these webinars were excellent, with over 99% strongly agreeing that the webinars had been interactive, met their stated aims and were effectively facilitated.

We received lots of positive comments about the learning gained and how this will help participants in their clinical leadership roles, along with helping clinical teams improve their services for their patients.

Jackie Barringer said “we have been amazed at the consistency in attendance from the clinicians across this series of webinars given the extreme pressure our NHS is currently under. It has been great to see how these delegates have taken the learning on board, how they have considered the improvements they can make in leading their teams and to their MDTs to ensure patients are getting the best care. It has been an absolute pleasure to work with all the delegates and, of course, our client WMCA. The team are really pleased with the results”

If you wish to enquire how Prospect can support your Cancer Alliance, please contact



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